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Frequently asked questions - about the product (how do I...?)

Licensing questions

What are the different types of users, and who needs to pay? 

Read this: Creators, Contributors and Stakeholders.


How do I add contributors to a Jira Product Discovery project if they don't have a Jira license? 

Head over to our documentation to learn everything you need about contributors and how to create a contributor group. 


All site administrators are consuming a license, why?

You need to remove Jira Product Discovery product access from the site-admins user group. Details here: read this if you're a site administrator and added Jira Product Discovery Free or Standard.


Are Jira Product Discovery users billable under Atlassian Access? 

For the moment, creators who only have a license for Jira Product Discovery aren't billable under Atlassian Access. Contributors and stakeholders (as long as they don't hold another Atlassian product license) aren't billable either. 


Product questions

How do I get started?

To help get you started here are a few demo videos:

This hands-on guide will explain how to use product features: Jira Product Discovery product guide

We've started working on a practical handbook to explain the ways of working that come with Jira Product Discovery and how to do product management using it: Jira Product Discovery handbook

You can access product documentation here: Jira Product Discovery support.


What are some of the popular features that teams use in Jira Product Discovery? 

Most teams use the product for prioritization and communicating roadmaps. They leverage the flexibility of custom fields and views.

Demo: using custom fields and views to prioritize and communicate roadmaps


We have multiple products and teams. Should we use one project or multiple? 

This depends on many factors. Jira Product Discovery was designed to work best when used by individual teams using the Spotify squad model. But it's possible to use a single project to share between teams/products, especially when there's a high level of collaboration required between these teams. 

Demo: using a single project for multiple products and teams


There's no hierarchical view of ideas. How can we organize a large list of ideas? 

Instead of a hierarchical view you can make use of the flexible views and fields structure to visualize your ideas based on a number of dimensions. You can create a separate field per dimension that you want to use to categorize ideas, and then use them in different views using grouping and filtering.

Demo: using fields and views to organize a large list of ideas


Can we create different issue types and their relationships? (e.g. parent/child or opportunity/solution)

Not yet, but it's on the roadmap. In the meantime you can use the flexible fields and views system to do this. Here is an example:

Demo: grouping solutions by opportunities. And here's a recording of how to reproduce this configuration


How can we create a roadmap with different time horizons? 

From a customer:

Our 12 month rolling roadmap is divided into 3 time horizons. First is Planned horizon, this is basically the current quarter divided into months. Second is Targeted this is the next quarter and the third horizon is what we call Directional and is the last 6 months/Half of the year. In JPD we can set target dates in months and quarter but we can't set it as a "Half" to show our Directional horizon. Any solution to that?

Here are 2 options, the second one is our favorite


How can we create a roadmap at 2 levels? (one with a list of themes, one for each theme?) - sort of like a hierarchy

During this webinar we've demonstrated how the JPD team uses a roadmap at 2 levels: one for the overall team, with broad themes, and one for each squad, with more details about each theme. Here's how to replicate this:

Demo: a roadmap with 2 levels

Here's a follow-up to this video, showing how you can show the list of ideas for each boulder when you open the boulder: 

Demo: Show the list of ideas when opening a boulder.


How can we share a roadmap with internal stakeholders and customers?

There are two options to share roadmaps in Jira Product Discovery:

  • You can invite internal stakeholders as contributors in the project. They will need a Jira user account, but as long as these accounts are only given access to Jira Product Discovery with the role of "Contributor," they will not need a paid license. Demo: sharing a roadmap with internal stakeholders
  • You can publish a view and share it with anyone: internal stakeholders, partners, customers, and end users. This view is accessible in read-only mode and you can use it to share your roadmap inside and outside the company by sharing a link. Learn how to publish your views in this article.


What should we do when an idea is "finished"?

Here's a good discussion about this


How can we use Jira Product Discovery to collect feedback from customers/users and other teams (support, sales, customer success, marketing)?

In this first version of Jira Product Discovery, we’ve focused on some the jobs that help a PM do their job: prioritizing ideas and opportunities, creating and sharing roadmaps that stay up to date, and capturing feedback from a bunch of different places (interview notes in Confluence/Google Docs, conversations in Slack/Teams). But for now we assume the PMs have existing channels they use to receive feedback, and we help them send this feedback to ideas in Jira Product Discovery.

We have only partially tackled the job of creating a direct feedback channel between customers/users or other internal teams (sales/support/customer success/marketing) with the product team. We have plans to do more there, but for now these are the options that you can use to do that with the product today:

  1. Set up a Jira Service Management queue to receive feedback from customers and internal teams

  2. Set up a dedicated Slack channel #product-feedback to receive feedback from internal teams (also works with Teams)

  3. Share views with other teams and gather their feedback using fields and votes to receive feedback from internal teams


How can we do idea intake with Jira Product Discovery?

Same as the question just above, but here's a more recent demo on this topic:

Idea intake in Jira Product Discovery

Using Jira Service Management together with JPD for an intake process, with status updates in JSM for transparency

Idea intake with JSM and JPD


Can we have insights that impact a prioritization score differently (e.g. positively or negatively) ? 

Yes, and here is a demo.


What is the difference between a project rank and a view rank? How ranking is different from sorting? 

Learn about these differences and their use cases in this loom video


How do I automatically add watchers to ideas from People fields?

You can do this using Project Automation and they will receive notifications whenever the idea changes. Details in this post. 

Thank you for this solution @Aaron Mosny 👏


Can I bulk import field options into a select/multi-select field?

Yes, you can. Here's how


Can I migrate from one site to another? 

The current Cloud-to-cloud migration tooling does not yet support team-managed projects, including product discovery projects. 

You will first need to re-create your projects and their configuration for fields and views in the target site, then export your ideas as .csv from the source site and import them in the destination site :
Open Settings > System > External System Import. Select .csv and your .csv file.

This will not import insights, view configurations, field decorations, workflows and users, which will need to be re-created manually.


How do I know if there are new insights added to ideas? 

There are 2 ways to see this today:

  • Add the insights field to a view. Then number of insights will show in blue+bold if there’s a new one you haven’t seen yet

  • Create a view for ideas that have new insights for the past X days: create a view, add a filter for “insights”, choose “insights created within the last X days”


How do I automatically change an idea when its delivery issues are done?

You can use Project Automation to automatically change an idea (e.g., change a field value, transition to a status) when its delivery epics/issues are done. 

Demo: project automation in Jira Product Discovery


How do I sync dates between an epic/initiative in Jira and a date in Jira Product Discovery?

You can autofill date fields on an idea in Jira Product Discovery based on its linked delivery tickets. Here's how


How do I reorder statuses in the status field dropdown?

There is a way to make it work (but it's not discoverable at all). Here's how


How can I group by a date field?

It's not supported yet; however, here's a workaround that helps you group ideas by month (you can thank @Harry Grant for that!)


How do I include effort in a priority score?

You can use a formula that takes into account things like impact and effort to calculate a priority score. Here's an example of how to configure your project to use the RICE formula (Reach * Impact * Confidence / Effort)

Demo: using RICE to prioritize ideas


How do I create a one-pager for every idea?

You have 2 options:

  • Create the one-pager in Jira Product Discovery, using an idea description template
  • Or, create the one-pager in Confluence and create a "hyperlink field" to link it to the idea in Jira Product Discovery. Note: This is a great way to link pages in Confluence to ideas for things like specs, one-pagers, designs, etc.

Here is a demo of how to use Confluence and Jira Product Discovery


Does Jira Product Discovery have an API?


There are a few things we need to iron out so you can query all information via an API, however, there's already a great deal you can do today:

  • Jira Product Discovery ideas are Jira issues, so you can query them using the Jira Cloud Platform REST API
    • This will return all fields except dynamic fields (e.g. formula fields).
    • But things like status, multi-select/select, number, date fields, etc. will just work
  • We have a public API for insights
  • We don't yet support a public API for views

That should be more than enough to allow you to create reports showing the number of ideas, who's working on them, what status they're in, how long they've been in the project, when they were last updated, etc. 

Can I set view-only permissions for a view I’m trying to share?

The people you want to share a view with must have the correct permissions. At the moment, you can’t change permissions at the view level. If you’re going to share a view with view-only permission with a creator, you will have to change the creator user permissions at the project level. Learn more about how to manage your project roles and permissions. 
  • If the project is public, everyone on the Jira site is a team member by default. Even if you make them contributors, they’ll still be able to create and edit ideas.
  • If the project is limited, everyone on the Jira site is a contributor by default (can comment and vote, but can’t create or edit ideas). If you want people to edit ideas, you need to make them creators.
  • If the project is closed, no one can access the project by default, and you need to give a role to everyone you want to invite: contributor for the read-only use case, creator to be able to create/edit ideas, or admin so they are able to configure the project and fields.


How do I use Project Automation in Jira Product Discovery?

See this post


How do Jira Product Discovery, Jira Software, Advanced Roadmaps fit together?

Here is a community post that explains how Jira Software and Jira Product Discovery fit together.


How do I use Jira Product Discovery with Atlas?

Here is a demo for how to use Atlas goals and projects in Jira Product Discovery


How do I use Jira Product Discovery with Confluence?

You can use Confluence with Jira Product Discovery for 3 use cases:

  • Capturing insights from pages, e.g. from customer interviews.
  • Writing specifications/one-pagers
  • Publishing your roadmap to the rest of the company

Here is a demo for how to use Confluence and Jira Product Discovery



Practices questions

How do I use customer feedback to inform your decision-making?

There are many ways to do this. Here is how we do it in the Jira Product Discovery team.


How do I recruit participants for product discovery?

We share our view on how to recruit users in this article.


Licensing questions

What are the different types of users, and who needs to pay? 

Read this: Creators, Contributors and Stakeholders.


How do I add contributors to a Jira Product Discovery project if they don't have a Jira license? 

Head over to our documentation to learn everything you need about contributors and how to create a contributor group. 


All site administrators are consuming a license, why?

You need to remove Jira Product Discovery product access from the site-admins user group. Details here: read this if you're a site administrator and added Jira Product Discovery Free or Standard.


Are Jira Product Discovery users billable under Atlassian Guard? 
Creators who only have a license for Jira Product Discovery aren't billable under Atlassian Guard for the moment. Contributors and stakeholders (as long as they don't hold another Atlassian product license) aren't billable either, even when synced via SCIM. Learn more about your Guard bill. 


Product questions

How do I get started?

To help get you started here are a few demo videos:

We've started working on a handbook, currently in beta, to help you understand how to best adopt the tool: Jira Product Discovery handbook.

You can access product documentation here: Jira Product Discovery documentation.


What are some of the popular features that teams use in Jira Product Discovery? 

Most teams use the product for prioritization and communicating roadmaps. They leverage the flexibility of custom fields and views.

Demo: using custom fields and views to prioritize and communicate roadmaps


We have multiple products and teams. Should we use one project or multiple? 

This depends on many factors. Jira Product Discovery was designed to work best when used by individual teams using the Spotify squad model. But it's possible to use a single project to share between teams/products, especially when there's a high level of collaboration required between these teams. 

Demo: using a single project for multiple products and teams


There's no hierarchical view of ideas. How can we organize a large list of ideas? 

Instead of a hierarchical view you can make use of the flexible views and fields structure to visualize your ideas based on a number of dimensions. You can create a separate field per dimension that you want to use to categorize ideas, and then use them in different views using grouping and filtering.

Demo: using fields and views to organize a large list of ideas


Can we create different issue types and their relationships? (e.g. parent/child or opportunity/solution)

Not yet, but it's on the roadmap. In the meantime you can use the flexible fields and views system to do this. Here is an example:

Demo: grouping solutions by opportunities. And here's a recording of how to reproduce this configuration


How can we create a roadmap with different time horizons? 

From a customer:

Our 12 month rolling roadmap is divided into 3 time horizons. First is Planned horizon, this is basically the current quarter divided into months. Second is Targeted this is the next quarter and the third horizon is what we call Directional and is the last 6 months/Half of the year. In JPD we can set target dates in months and quarter but we can't set it as a "Half" to show our Directional horizon. Any solution to that?

Here are 2 options, the second one is our favorite


How can we create a roadmap at 2 levels? (one with a list of themes, one for each theme?) - sort of like a hierarchy

During this webinar we've demonstrated how the JPD team uses a roadmap at 2 levels: one for the overall team, with broad themes, and one for each squad, with more details about each theme. Here's how to replicate this:

Demo: a roadmap with 2 levels

Here's a follow-up to this video, showing how you can show the list of ideas for each boulder when you open the boulder: 

Demo: Show the list of ideas when opening a boulder.


How can we share a roadmap with internal stakeholders and customers?

There are two options to share roadmaps in Jira Product Discovery:

  • You can invite internal stakeholders as contributors in the project. They will need a Jira user account, but as long as these accounts are only given access to Jira Product Discovery with the role of "Contributor," they will not need a paid license. Demo: sharing a roadmap with internal stakeholders
  • You can publish a view and share it with anyone: internal stakeholders, partners, customers, and end users. This view is accessible in read-only mode and you can use it to share your roadmap inside and outside the company by sharing a link. Learn how to publish your views in this article.


What should we do when an idea is "finished"?

Here's a good discussion about this


How can we use Jira Product Discovery to collect feedback from customers/users and other teams (support, sales, customer success, marketing)?

In this first version of Jira Product Discovery, we’ve focused on some the jobs that help a PM do their job: prioritizing ideas and opportunities, creating and sharing roadmaps that stay up to date, and capturing feedback from a bunch of different places (interview notes in Confluence/Google Docs, conversations in Slack/Teams). But for now we assume the PMs have existing channels they use to receive feedback, and we help them send this feedback to ideas in Jira Product Discovery.

We have only partially tackled the job of creating a direct feedback channel between customers/users or other internal teams (sales/support/customer success/marketing) with the product team. We have plans to do more there, but for now these are the options that you can use to do that with the product today:

  1. Set up a Jira Service Management queue to receive feedback from customers and internal teams

  2. Set up a dedicated Slack channel #product-feedback to receive feedback from internal teams (also works with Teams)

  3. Share views with other teams and gather their feedback using fields and votes to receive feedback from internal teams


How can we do idea intake with Jira Product Discovery?

Same as the question just above, but here's a more recent demo on this topic:

Idea intake in Jira Product Discovery

Using Jira Service Management together with JPD for an intake process, with status updates in JSM for transparency

Idea intake with JSM and JPD


Can we have insights that impact a prioritization score differently (e.g. positively or negatively) ? 

Yes, and here is a demo.


What is the difference between a project rank and a view rank? How ranking is different from sorting? 

Learn about these differences and their use cases in this loom video


How do I automatically add watchers to ideas from People fields?

You can do this using Project Automation and they will receive notifications whenever the idea changes. Details in this post. 

Thank you for this solution @Aaron Mosny 👏


Can I bulk import field options into a select/multi-select field?

Yes, you can. Here's how


Can I migrate from one site to another? 

The current Cloud-to-cloud migration tooling does not yet support team-managed projects, including product discovery projects. 

You will first need to re-create your projects and their configuration for fields and views in the target site, then export your ideas as .csv from the source site and import them in the destination site :
Open Settings > System > External System Import. Select .csv and your .csv file.

This will not import insights, view configurations, field decorations, workflows and users, which will need to be re-created manually.


How do I know if there are new insights added to ideas? 

There are 2 ways to see this today:

  • Add the insights field to a view. Then number of insights will show in blue+bold if there’s a new one you haven’t seen yet

  • Create a view for ideas that have new insights for the past X days: create a view, add a filter for “insights”, choose “insights created within the last X days”


How do I automatically change an idea when its delivery issues are done?

You can use Project Automation to automatically change an idea (e.g., change a field value, transition to a status) when its delivery epics/issues are done. 

Demo: project automation in Jira Product Discovery


How do I sync dates between an epic/initiative in Jira and a date in Jira Product Discovery?

You can autofill date fields on an idea in Jira Product Discovery based on its linked delivery tickets. Here's how


How do I reorder statuses in the status field dropdown?

There is a way to make it work (but it's not discoverable at all). Here's how


How can I group by a date field?

It's not supported yet; however, here's a workaround that helps you group ideas by month (you can thank @Harry Grant for that!)


How do I include effort in a priority score?

You can use a formula that takes into account things like impact and effort to calculate a priority score. Here's an example of how to configure your project to use the RICE formula (Reach * Impact * Confidence / Effort)

Demo: using RICE to prioritize ideas


How do I create a one-pager for every idea?

You have 2 options:

  • Create the one-pager in Jira Product Discovery, using an idea description template
  • Or, create the one-pager in Confluence and create a "hyperlink field" to link it to the idea in Jira Product Discovery. Note: This is a great way to link pages in Confluence to ideas for things like specs, one-pagers, designs, etc.

Here is a demo of how to use Confluence and Jira Product Discovery


Does Jira Product Discovery have an API?


There are a few things we need to iron out so you can query all information via an API, however, there's already a great deal you can do today:

  • Jira Product Discovery ideas are Jira issues, so you can query them using the Jira Cloud Platform REST API
    • This will return all fields except dynamic fields (e.g. formula fields).
    • But things like status, multi-select/select, number, date fields, etc. will just work
  • We have a public API for insights
  • We don't yet support a public API for views

That should be more than enough to allow you to create reports showing the number of ideas, who's working on them, what status they're in, how long they've been in the project, when they were last updated, etc. 


Can I invite my stakeholders to contribute to prioritization if they don't have access to Jira? 
Yes you can: invite them as contributors to the project and give them a view with fields to collect their feedback and votes. Here's a step-by-step demo for how to do that

Can I set view-only permissions for a view I’m trying to share?

The people you want to share a view with must have the correct permissions. At the moment, you can’t change permissions at the view level. If you’re going to share a view with view-only permission with a creator, you will have to change the creator user permissions at the project level. Learn more about how to manage your project roles and permissions. 
  • If the project is Open, everyone with creator product access will be a creator in the project. Those with contributor product access will be contributors to the project by default. 
  • If the project is Limited, everyone with creator product access will be a contributor
  • If the project is Private, no one can access the project by default, and you need to give a role to everyone you want to invite: contributor for the read-only use case, creator to be able to create/edit ideas, or admin so they are able to configure the project and fields.

Project admins can enable contributors to create ideas by following these steps.


How do I use Project Automation in Jira Product Discovery?

See this post


How do Jira Product Discovery, Jira Software, Advanced Roadmaps fit together?

Here is a community post that explains how Jira Software and Jira Product Discovery fit together.


How do I use Jira Product Discovery with Atlas?

Here is a demo for how to use Atlas goals and projects in Jira Product Discovery


How do I use Jira Product Discovery with Confluence?

You can use Confluence with Jira Product Discovery for 3 use cases:

  • Capturing insights from pages, e.g. from customer interviews.
  • Writing specifications/one-pagers
  • Publishing your roadmap to the rest of the company

Here is a demo for how to use Confluence and Jira Product Discovery



Practices questions

How do I use customer feedback to inform your decision-making?

There are many ways to do this. Here is how we do it in the Jira Product Discovery team.


How do I recruit participants for product discovery?

We share our view on how to recruit users in this article.


I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
May 4, 2022

Hi Tanguy,


Thank you for this FAQ with plenty of useful informations. And thanks for your team for developing what will be a very good tool for a better product management in JIRA software environment.


Maybe the only question missing here could be "how to join the beta ?" ;)

I've already opted-in and can't wait to try Product Discovery after I've seen it during a training, but until now I was not able to get access to it. Are you planning to allow more users on it anytime soon ?




Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 9, 2022
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Martin June 27, 2022

Hello to the team, thank you very much for this FAQ! Very interesting to have live examples of how we can use your product and frameworks like RICE. :) 

Like Carol Lage likes this
Tremis Skeete July 8, 2022

Thank you for this posting!

James Cody
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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September 6, 2022

Hi Tanguy, I signed up using the link provided but now I struggled to find how to access Jira Product Discovery. I found it in my view of

Must I always return to that page, or is it accessible via a menu somewhere?

Nick Dring September 12, 2022

It sounds interesting but at the moment we wouldn't really get much use out of it. We run an internal facing JSM, with a bunch of projects with a small group of agents. Our customers are our work colleagues.

If JPD was available to those colleagues (customers) I'd definitely look at using it but until then its use would be very limited.

Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 13, 2022

@James Cody you need to create a Jira Product Discovery project:

Projects > Create project

Product management > Product discovery

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valentinxxxx September 15, 2022

How to remove this from my PC

James Doyle September 22, 2022

Hi @Tanguy Crusson 

I have recently enabled the product discovery BETA version so I can make use of and have a play around with the functionality. 

Are you able to advise if there will be any cost for this Jira tool when it comes out of BETA? 


Regards, James. 

David Nadri September 30, 2022

@Tanguy Crusson - regarding the FAQ: 'Does Jira Product Discovery have an API?':

Could you please clarify if there is a public REST API for creating ideas?

For example, we'd like add the ability to capture user feedback/feature requests (e.g. via a form) inside of our mobile app and add them as ideas in our Jira Product Discovery project (including basic fields such as description, subject/category, date). 

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Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 3, 2022

@David Nadri yep there is an API to create an idea, it's just the Jira Cloud REST API for creating issues - which lets you specify the issue type (idea) and set field values. You can add insights to ideas using the Jira Product Discovery specific API.

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Gabriel Henrique
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October 10, 2022

Hi, this is an awesome tool, but share with customer is a must have feature! We need something to get their feedback and show our plans

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Aaron Mosny October 11, 2022

@Tanguy Crussonwithin the product discovery project, we can see what Jira tickets are linked as deliverables. Is the reverse of this true? On normal Jira projects, is there a way to show the linked idea on the epic or on the story?

Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 12, 2022

Hi @Aaron Mosny yes, but it's subtle today (we plan to improve that): you see the idea in the list of linked issues in the Jira Software ticket.

Sylvain MERLIN
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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October 14, 2022

Hi @Tanguy Crusson

Thanks for sharing so much ! This helps a lot understading the Product and how we could benefit using it with a practical approach.

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Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 21, 2022

I certainly hope you are making the browser extension available to those of us that use Firefox.

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
November 3, 2022

`You can add insights to ideas using the Jira Product Discovery specific API.`

@Tanguy CrussonCan you point me to an example of how to add insights to ideas? Thank you!

Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 3, 2022
Peter Heidorn November 9, 2022

This is great but I don't have the share option for the external view as demonstrated in the video.

Like Beck Mafodda likes this
Gloria Cantareo November 16, 2022

@Tanguy Crusson  -  I am newbie in the community and fumbling every step of the way, I am having so much doing it!! These questions touched my inner nerd - SO THANK YOU!!! 

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Daniel Marcovici
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I'm New Here
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November 17, 2022

@Tanguy Crusson I am giving a try to the project, and lots of interesting functionality. 

I've been using AHA! for our product management, but I think in the future with a bit more functionality I could replace it with the product discovery project.

One thing I could not do, is how can I do a "fit view" for the timeline view? If I want to see more long term, there is no way to fit the view:

New View - Atlassian Beta Product Discovery Test Nov 17, 2022 11_42 AM.jpg

So, when I try to see a long-term plan of the discovery it becomes hard since I can't see it in a single page view. Is this to be improved in the future? Thanks!

Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 17, 2022

@Daniel Marcovici I'd love to hear more about your use case, I can't wrap my head around how or why you'd plan 3 years ahead on a timeline 🤯 I reached out for a chat

Like Cindy Jordan likes this
David Nadri November 24, 2022

@Tanguy Crusson - when using the Chrome extension, how can we attach an image/file from the system library to an idea/insight via the Chrome extension?

For example, instead of clicking the camera icon to capture the entire screen, if I want to screenshot part of the screen, mark it up, then attach it to the insight OR copy/paste an image to an idea/insight via the Chrome extension, how can I do so? 

Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 25, 2022

@David Nadri Not today. what you can do: 

  • Take a screenshot
  • right click on an image in the page, you should see a "Add to idea" in the list of available actions in Chrome
  • but you cannot annotate. However you can open the idea in Jira Product Discovery and edit the insight to add an image you've annotated using a screen capture tool
Like David Nadri likes this
Sharon Halpin January 12, 2023

@Tanguy Crusson   Having recently found JPD, I'm working my way through your collection of JPD FAQs and videos. 
This is an excellent resource -  Thank you!


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